The American Optometric Association states that annual comprehensive eye exams are important. This yearly appointment not only determines if you need vision correction but also keeps an eye on your vision and eye health. Understanding why these checkups are important can motivate you to keep your appointments. Here are the reasons for having these eye exams.
Yearly eye exams can keep an eye on your optic health even if you are feeling fine. Regular eye checks can help keep your vision sharp as you grow older. Small vision changes may go unnoticed and untreated if you wait long between exams. This could lead to lasting vision loss. Your eye doctor will suggest treatments and therapies that can help if you are developing vision issues. Lifestyle and diet changes can aid in maintaining your optic health.
Aging starts a series of processes that increases your risk for specific eye conditions, such as macular degeneration and glaucoma. Regular eye exams enable your eye doctor to check for early signs of these ailments. Once you get your diagnosis, treatments may start right away. This can then prevent these eye conditions from worsening and decreasing your quality of life.
Research shows that your eyes can determine if you are in good health. Your doctor can examine the blood vessels in your retina and determine if you have diabetes. Bleeding behind your eyes can show if you have high blood pressure. Regular eye checkups can catch the early signs of these general health issues. Your eye doctor can work with your general physician to confirm the diagnosis and start the necessary treatments.
Eye doctors recommend annual eye exams from age eight onward. You will go through several eye tests and screenings. These checkups can determine the signs of specific eye conditions and begin their treatments before they worsen. Here are the different exams that you must prepare for during your annual eye exams:
Cancer screening can spot tumors in your inner eye structures, such as the retina and optic nerve. Melanomas can also grow in the choroid of your eyes. Detecting these tumors early can lead to easy and complete cures.
Vision testing can determine how much your vision is changing every year. This test can help spot possible issues in reading or driving.
Eye disease exams can detect ailments that affect your vision. Common eye conditions include cataracts and dry eyes. Annual eye exams can also determine if you have early symptoms of glaucoma. Without early treatment, this eye condition can lead to vision loss. Working with your eye doctor can help you enjoy your vision for as long as possible.
Eyewear checks also happen during annual eye exams. Your eye doctor must check if your contact lenses or eyeglasses still fit well. Ill-fitting contacts may cause corneal scarring. You will need a new pair of eyeglasses if your current ones are uncomfortable. Your eye doctor can suggest wearing eyewear to protect your eyes from damage. One example is a pair of UV-protective eyeglasses that can screen your eyes from damaging ultraviolet rays.
Annual eye exams can help you achieve better eye health as you get older. At Clarity Vision, we provide our patients with high-quality eye care products and services. Visit our office in Suffolk, Virgina or call us at (757) 638-2015 to schedule an appointment today.